Class 301 Profile Creation

Personal Information

This information is designed to help us learn how to better serve you. It will also be used to show you your uniqueness in God and where you may be the most effective in ministry.

Please give as much of the following information as possible.

Full Name Address
PhoneGender Date of Birth (mm-dd-yyyy)
Email Address

Spiritual Gifts Profile

Concerning the following statements, ask yourself how you feel about each one. How true is each statement about you?
Respond with the numerical rating as follows:

5 - Always True; 4 - Often True; 3 - Sometimes True; 2 - Seldom True; 1 - Never True.

Avoid, as much as possible, choosing 3 (Sometimes True). Don't hesitate choosing 5 (Always) or 1 (Never). Your desire to be humble or to avoid exaggeration may cause you to choose more moderate responses. This may affect your results. Try to be as honest and accurate as possible.

Example: " I love to hear evangelistic messages." Is this statement "Always", "Often", "Sometimes", "Seldom", or "Never" true about you? Try to choose the "5", "4", "2", or "1". Avoid choosing "Sometimes" (3).

DO NOT leave any entries blank.

1 I tend to motivate others to get involved.
2 I like starting new churches from scratch.
3 I can tell when people are insincere.
4 I love to hear evangelistic messages.
5 Teaching without practical application is lacking.
6 God has given me unusual assurances of His control
7 People misunderstand my financial interests.
8 I love to provide my home as a haven or meeting place.
9 My study of the Scriptures gives me unique knowledge.
10 I would rather be THE leader than just one of the leaders.
11 I tend to be super sensitive to sad stories.
12 I tend to be irritated when people sin.
13 I tend to get frustrated when the church is not growing.
14 I will do the little things no one else wants to do.
15 Education is very important to me.
16 I tend to make wise decisions and choices.
17 I can do a lot of things at once.
18 I would be willing to move elsewhere to start a church.
19 I can tell when others teach or share inaccurate information.
20 Leading people to Christ is so exciting.
21 I like to share practical steps of action.
22 I always believe and see how God works in our lives.
23 I tend to give money freely where needed most.
24 I tend to make total strangers feel at home.
25 I have an ability to acquire Bible facts and principles.
26 I feel frustrated when it looks like no one is in charge.
27 I spend a lot of time helping others feel better.
28 I discern something is evil before others do.
29 I enjoy leading discipleship-type Bible studies.
30 I prefer serving others rather than being served.
31 Preparation to speak or teach is absolutely necessary
32 I seem to be able to help others make right decisions
33 I do my best work under pressure.
34 I adapt well to other cultures and groups.
35 I am able to differentiate between true and false needs.
36 I am very concerned about lost souls.
37 I teach topical rather than verse-by-verse lessons.
38 Trusting God for the impossible comes easy to me.
39 I tend to make wise investments.
40 I like to invite people in need to stay in my home.
41 I learn and remember biblical truth easily.
42 I know where I'm headed and am driven to bring others.
43 I can't say "No" to legitimate needs.
44 I research to share truth rather than just to study.
45 I seem to look for spiritual lessons in whatever happens.
46 Solving problems is my main concern.
47 I like to explain why something is true.
48 I easily see the difference between truth and error.
49 I tend to take charge when no one else does.
50 I would rather start a new church than anything else.
51 I am able to read between the lines of what others say.
52 Worldwide evangelism really excites me.
53 I tend to use biblical illustrations to explain things.
54 I'm comfortable around people who like to pray a lot.
55 Financial accountability is extremely important.
56 I look for opportunities to use my home to help others.
57 I study the Bible to gain more knowledge about things.
58 I often volunteer to take charge of difficult projects.
59 Some people think I'm too sensitive.
60 I like to proclaim truth I have received from God.
61 I often seek to help individuals grow in Christ.
62 I tend to take on a lot of opportunities to serve people.
63 It bothers me to hear incorrect statements and teachings.
64 People often seek me out for wise advice.
65 I like impossible challenges.
66 I get really excited about new mission works worldwide.
67 I am able to easily detect unspiritual things.
68 I enjoy asking people to make decisions for Christ.
69 I really enjoy encouraging others.
70 I want people to pray more and increase their faith.
71 I tend to discern true financial needs.
72 My home is always open to anyone or for any group.
73 I take seriously the command to "increase in knowledge"
74 I am driven to move forward even when others are not.
75 When others hurt I feel compelled to help.
76 I can be stubborn and difficult to convince.
77 I prefer being a spiritual leader.
78 I don't like being up front or leading a group.
79 I tend to prepare too much material.
80 I like to solve problems through the wisdom of the Word.
81 I like to organize people to accomplish great tasks.
82 I prefer serving in a cross-cultural ministry.
83 I am a good judge of what is good and evil.
84 I like to lead people to Christ with my testimony.
85 Practical application is what teaching is all about.
86 I have strong assurances that God answers prayer.
87 I like to take care of financial needs in a timely manner.
88 A neat home is not as important as its availablility.
89 I often feel compelled to study and learn biblical truth.
90 People often say that I am a good leader.
91 I try to come across as loving and caring.
92 I tend to know why people do what they do.
93 Leading groups to spiritual maturity is most appealing.
94 I tend to do much more than I'm told to do.
95 Studying the Scriptures is my passion.
96 I believe wisdom is more important than faith or knowledge.
97 I would rather speak out than just let something pass.
98 I am attracted to ministries that start new churches.
99 People say that I often have just the right advice.
100 I can share the gospel with total strangers.
101 I often feel compelled to share advice.
102 I tend to judge people by how much faith they have.
103 I'm concerned about meeting financial/physical needs.
104 I feel church members need to be more hospitable.
105 I like to learn things most people don't know.
106 It bothers me when people sit around and do nothing.
107 I tend to volunteer to help the less fortunate.
108 Confronting someone with sin in their life is not hard.
109 People seek me out to become spiritually stronger.
110 Working behind the scenes gives me much pleasure.
111 I search for new insights as I study.
112 People are often amazed at how much knowledge I have
113 I delegate responsibilities to accomplish tasks.
114 I believe an apostle today is God's pioneer and authority
115 I seem to have an unique discernment in many areas.
116 Sharing my faith is most important to me.
117 I really do enjoy counseling others.
118 People say I have a tremendous amount of faith.
119 Being slothful or lazy in business is sin.
120 I believe hospitality is one of the most important things.
121 I believe having great knowledge is very important.
122 Opposition doesn't bother me as much as just sitting still.
123 I'm very concerned about how a person feels.
124 People say I'm too protective and strict with others.
125 I like to help others to get involved in ministry.
126 I would rather do a job myself rather than delegate it.
127 Digging deep into the Word of God is a priority in life.
128 People often say I demonstrate lots of unusual wisdom.

Personality Profile

Notice each block of words below. Ask yourself which set of words in each block is MOST like you and which set is LEAST like you. Not what you want to be or what you want other to think you are, but what you relaly tend to be 99% of the time UNDER PRESSURE.

In each block, select ONE "M" indicating the set of words MOST like you, and select ONE "L" indicating the set of words that LEAST describe you. All or none of the sets of words in a block may or may not describe you exactly.

Choose only one set which MOST describes you and select the M beside it and one set which LEAST describes you and select the L beside it. The same sets of words cannot be both MOST and LEAST. "
1. MLKind, Nice Caring
2. MLProper, Formal
3. MLDemanding, Assertive
4. MLOutgoing, Active
5. MLPlayful, Fun-Loving
6. MLfirm, Strong
7. MLLaw-abiding, Conscientious
8. MLGentle, Soft, Humble
9. MLBold, Daring
10. MLDelightful, Pleasant
11. MLLoyal, True Blue
12. MLCalculating, Analytical
13. MLConservative, Inflexible
14. MLTrusting, Gullible, Open
15. MLPeaceful, Calm
16. MLConvinced, Cocky
17. MLDecisive, Sure, Certain
18. MLFriendly, Cordial, Popular
19. MLCareful, Cautious
20. MLObedient, Submissive
21. MLPromoting, Encouraging
22. MLStraight, Conforming
23. MLRisk-Taking, Courageous
24. MLPleasing, Good-natured
25. MLConsiderate, Thoughtful
26. MLForceful, Strong-willed
27. MLHyper, Energetic
28. MLPerfectionist, Precise
29. MLContented, Satisfied
30. MLCompliant, Goes by the book
31. MLBrave, Adventurous
32. MLEnthusiastic, Influencing
33. MLSmooth-talker, Articulate
34. MLLoving, Sincere, Honest
35. MLPersistent, Restless, Relentless
36. MLRight, Correct
37. MLPositive, Optimistic
38. MLEntertaining, Clowning
39. MLShy, Mild
40. MLCompetent, Does Right
41. MLContemplative, Thinker
42. MLDiplomatic, Peacemaking
43. MLAdmirable, Elegant
44. MLWinner, Competitive
45. MLJoyful, Jovial
46. MLFlexible, Adaptable, Agreeable
47. MLAmbitious, Goes for it
48. MLDeep, Intense
49. MLSteady, Dependable
50. MLTalkative, Verbal
51. MLChallenging, Motivating
52. MLAccurate, Exact
53. MLStable, Balanced
54. MLConfident, Self-reliant
55. MLPerceptive, Sees clearly
56. MLAnimated, Expressive
57. MLControlling, Takes charge
58. MLMerciful, Sensitive
59. MLPondering, Wondering
60. MLPersuading, Convincing
61. MLSociable, Interactive
62. MLSerious, Unwavering
63. MLSweet, Tender, Compassionate
64. MLGuarded, Masked, Protective
65. MLPowerful, Unconquerable
66. MLMerry, Cheerful
67. MLGenerous, Giving
68. MLPreparing, Researching
69. MLTimid, Soft-spoken
70. MLSystematic, Follows Plan
71. MLIndustrious, Hard-working
72. MLSmiling, Happy
73. MLInquisitive, Questioning
74. MLTolerant, Patient
75. MLDriving, Determined
76. MLDynamic, Impressing
77. MLServing, Sacrificing
78. MLSharp, Appealing
79. MLDirect, To the Point
80. MLOriginal, Creative
81. MLPeppy, Playful
82. MLDevoted, Dedicated
83. MLCourteous, Polite
84. MLStrict, Unbending
85. MLOutspoken, Opinionated
86. MLInducing, Charming
87. MLInventive, Imaginative
88. MLHospitable, Enjoys Company
89. MLZealous, Eager
90. MLQuiet, Reserved
91. MLOrganized, Orderly
92. MLExciting, Spirited
93. MLFaithful, Consistent
94. MLResponsive, Reacting
95. MLHelpful, Assisting
96. MLBottom Line, Straight-Forward

Submitting Profile

After You Have Completed All three Sections
(Personal Information, Spirtual Gifts Profile, and Personality Profile)
Click the Button Below!